Sponsorship Opportunities
We invite local businesses and organizations to sponsor our very first Casino Night. All proceeds from The Nursery Royale will benefit Wayzata Community Nursery School and the Playground Fund.
Sponsoring and supporting WCCNS offers you the opportunity to make a significant impact on our preschool community. By partnering with us, you can align your brand with a respected community preschool at the forefront of early childhood care and education.
Whether you go “all-in” or want to sponsor a teacher, your support allows us to reach the goal of creating a safe and interactive playground for the WCCNS community.
To learn more about the different sponsorship levels, please see below. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please complete the form below or email us and we will be in touch.
Event Sponsors
SOLD: VIP - $10,000
Prominent standalone signage displayed at event entrance & inside ballroom
Name recognition from the emcee during the event
Name & logo incorporated into custom ice sculpture
Company logo/website link featured on the website event page, flyers and/or materials
Sponsorship acknowledgment on social media
4 VIP Tickets to the Casino Night Event
High Roller - $5,000
Prominent standalone signage inside ballroom
Name recognition from the emcee during the event
Name & logo incorporated favors from event
Company logo/website link featured on website event page, flyers and/or materials
Sponsorship acknowledgment on social media
2 Tickets to the Casino Night Event
Jackpot Sponsor - Stickney Real Estate
Beverage Sponsor - Norwest Equity Partners
Catering - $2,000
Signage displayed in the ballroom
Name / logo prominently displayed at appetizer table and printed on napkins
Company logo/website link featured on website event page, flyers and/or materials
Sponsorship acknowledgment on social media
2 Tickets to the Casino Night Event
FEW REMAINING: Gaming - $1,000
Signage displayed at a gaming table
Company logo/website link featured on website event page, flyers and/or materials
Sponsorship acknowledgment on social media
Event Partner - Perspective
Perspective is a full-service production company based out of Wayzata, MN, specializing in bringing brands to life through creative content, smart strategies, and impactful campaigns.
Name recognition on the list of sponsors and donors displayed at the Casino Night Event
Playground Improvements - Phase Two
Join us for a great cause!
Interested in a sponsorship opportunity? Please complete the form below and we will be in touch. We are excited to have you join us! If you would like to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities, click here.